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whatever comes next
Mr. Rogers
Teacher says

Mr. Rogers was a TV personality in America in the 1970s. He is famous for being tolerant, gentle, wise and kind. He promoted the idea of a safe local neighbourhood for children. Jesse is saying how important 'home' is for him the same as Mr Rogers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Rogers
hit the gym
had the opportunity
took me so long
Stay in or go out?
Teacher says

"Go out" means go to bars or restaurants and be socialable with friends, usually drinking and dancing. "Stay in" is when you do not go out, you stay at home.
Teacher says

Jesse is saying he has two very different sets of clothes. He comes 'home' and puts on very comfortable clothes that are different to the clothes he wears 'out'.
Slide in the DMs
post a thirst trap
had a big crush
whatever comes next
Mr. Rogers
Teacher says

Mr. Rogers was a TV personality in America in the 1970s. He is famous for being tolerant, gentle, wise and kind. He promoted the idea of a safe local neighbourhood for children. Jesse is saying how important 'home' is for him the same as Mr Rogers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Rogers
hit the gym
had the opportunity
took me so long
Stay in or go out?
Teacher says

"Go out" means go to bars or restaurants and be socialable with friends, usually drinking and dancing. "Stay in" is when you do not go out, you stay at home.