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Teacher says

"Love your ______ and all your edges" in this context means he loves a person completely with all their strengths and weaknesses.
Risking it all
Give your all
magical mystery ride
rhythm and blues
smart mouth
head spinning
out of my mind
Don't know what hit me
pin you down
Teacher says

A "pin" is a sharp needle or pointed tack that can be used to keep something (e.g. cloth, a piece of paper, even a butterfly) in one place so that it doesn't move. To "pin someone down" means they are not able to get away from your questions and are obliged to answer.
Cards on the table
Teacher says

This idiom comes from the card game poker. If you have your "cards on the table" it means you are showing everything and are not hiding anything about what you are thinking or feeling.
I'm around
Teacher says

To be "around" means to be here and present and available. "I'll be around through everything" means you will always support someone and never leave them.
Teacher says

"'Cause" is a contraction for "because"
Teacher says

"Love your curves and all your edges" in this context means he loves a person completely with all their strengths and weaknesses.
Risking it all
Give your all
magical mystery ride
rhythm and blues
smart mouth
head spinning
kicking me out
out of my mind
Don't know what hit me
pin you down
Teacher says

A "pin" is a sharp needle or pointed tack that can be used to keep something (e.g. cloth, a piece of paper, even a butterfly) in one place so that it doesn't move. To "pin someone down" means they are not able to get away from your questions and are obliged to answer.
Cards on the table
Teacher says

This idiom comes from the card game poker. If you have your "cards on the table" it means you are showing everything and are not hiding anything about what you are thinking or feeling.
Drawing me in
I'm around
Teacher says

To be "around" means to be here and present and available. "I'll be around through everything" means you will always support someone and never leave them.
Teacher says

"'Cause" is a contraction for "because"
Teacher says

"Love your curves and all your edges" in this context means he loves a person completely with all their strengths and weaknesses.